Milton Babbitt: A Composers' Memorial
milton babbitt: a composers’ memorial
28 compositions in memoriam
open space and perspectives of new music
PNM/OS cd 3
milton babbitt
a composers’ memorial

scores and texts
to his memory

perspectives of new music vol. 49/2 bis (supplement)
The O P E N S P A C E magazine
special issue 14, spring 2012

Milton Babbitt - A Composers' Memorial cd 1
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Elliott Carter: Tre Duetti
Rolf Schulte, violin; Joel Krosnick, cello
Martin Boykan: for Milton
Martin Boykan, piano
Matthew Barber: Call it What You Will
for violin, piano, computer, in 7 movements
Chun Chim (David) Leung, violin;
Zuzanna Szewczyk Kwon, piano

Joan Tower: Steps
Melvin Chen, piano
Carlton Gamer: Duetude
Paul Nagem, flute; Sergei Vassiliev, clarinet
Samuel Adler: for Milton
Michelle Ross, violin
Joel Gressel: Is it Serious?
for computer
Milton Babbitt - A Composers' Memorial cd 2
Robert Morris: Odds and Ends
Ashlee Mack, piano
Stephen Dembski: for toy piano
Ju-Ping Song, piano
Paul Lansky: fingertips
Mihae Lee, piano
Elaine Barkin: Xtet: Last Dance for Milton
J. K. Randall: The Way It Was
Benjamin Boretz: The Memory of All That
a sonnet of John Donne for Milton Babbitt
Megan Berti, mezzo-soprano; Zuzanna Szewczyk
Kwon, piano

Andrew Mead: in memoriam M. B.
Maria Sampen, violin
Milton Babbitt - A Composers' Memorial cd 3
Hilary Tann: On Ear and Ear
Matthew Jones, viola; Annabel Thwaite, piano
Hubert S. Howe: Clusters
Matthew Greenbaum: Double Song
Stephanie Griffin, viola
John Melby: for Milton
computer and soprano; Patricia Sonego, soprano
Warren Burt: the shape of the voice I: Milton
Babbitt for computer
Elizabeth Hoffman: red is the rows
Conrad Harris, Pauline Kim Harris, violins
David Saperstein: for Milton
Peter Jarvis, vibraphone
Milton Babbitt - A Composers' Memorial cd 4
Wayne Slawson: Tints for Milton
Eleanor Cory: Things Are
Jayne Rosenfeld, flute; Stephen Gosling, piano
John Aylward: Compulsive Loves
Mary Joy Patchett, alto saxophone; John McDonald, piano
James Romig: Ferocious Alphabets
Ted Gurch, Bb clarinet; Helen Hwaya Kim, violin
Newton Armstrong: Too Slow
Mark Knoop, piano
Christian Carey: for Milton
John McMuretry, flute; Ashlee Mack, piano
Laura Karpman: Now All Set
jazz ensemble

Milton Babbitt Memorial
Samuel Adler: In Memory of Milton
Newton Armstrong: Too Slow
John Aylward: Compulsive Loves
Matthew Barber: Call It What You Will
Elaine Barkin: XTET: Last Dance for Milton
Benjamin Boretz: The Memory of All That:
a sonnet of John Donne for Milton Babbitt
Martin Boykan: Milton Babbitt in Memoriam
Warren Burt:The Shape of the Voice 1: Milton
Christian Carey: For Milton
Elliott Carter: Tre Duetti
Eleanor Cory: Things Are
Stephen Dembski: Trio for toy piano
Brian Fennelly: Babbittelle
Carlton Gamer: Duetude
Matthew Greenbaum: Double Song
Joel Gressel: Is It Serious?
Elizabeth Hoffman: red is the rows
Hubert Howe: Clusters
Laura Karpman: Now All Set
Paul Lansky: Finger Tips
Andrew Mead: In Memoriam M. B.
John Melby: For M. B.
Robert Morris: Odds and Ends
J. K. Randall: The Way It Was
James Romig: Ferocious Alphabets
David Saperstein: Vibraphone Solo VI
Wayne Slawson: Tints for Milton
Hilary Tann: On Ear and Ear
Joan Tower: STEPS
Rolv Yttrehus: Laudate Milton Babbitt
Jeffrey Kresky: Soft Speaking
Nathan Shields: Remembering Milton
Benjamin Boretz: Milton Babbitt and the American Mainstream
Benjamin Boretz: On Milton’s Language
Elaine R. Barkin: Conversation Piece
Carlton Gamer: Milton at the Princeton Seminars: A Remembrance
Martin Brody: The Age of Milton
Benjamin Boretz: What did Milton mean by
his music?
Andrew Mead: Making Connections
Robert Morris: Structure and Infra-Structure
in Milton Babbitt’s Music
[Download Accompanying Materials]

The generous support of The Department of Music of Princeton University toward the publication of this volume is gratefully acknowledged.

The Open Space Magazine, Special Issue 14. Published April 2012 by Open Space
29 Sycamore Drive, Red Hook, NY 12571. ISSN #1525-4267.
Perspectives of New Music: supplement to Vol. 49/2
University of Washington / MUSIC, Box 353450 /Seattle, WA 98195-3450
© 2012 by Perspectives of New Music, Inc.

4 CD set:US $45.00

Book:US $45.00

4 CD set and book:US $80.00