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Issue 10 | Issue 8 & 9 | Issue 7 | Issue 6 | Issue 5 | Issue 4 | Issue 3 | Issue 2 | Issue 1
Issue 17/18 spring 2015/fall 2015
Eric Watier “The easier it is, the more beautiful it is” (1)
Russell Richardson Godard dogart
David Gutkin “Meanwhile, let’s go back in time”. Allegory, Actuality, and History in Robert Ashley’s Television Opera Trilogy*
Tamas Panitz Contrapuncti
David Gutkin “Meanwhile, let’s go back in time”. Allegory, Actuality, and History in Robert Ashley’s Television Opera Trilogy*
Tamas Panitz Contrapuncti
Mark So Music is full of incident (Christian Wolf at 80)
Joshua B. Mailman Crash and getting me started: how Robert Ashley changed my mind
Matt Marble “Magic Thought”*
Paul A. Epstein Remembering Orange Dessert*
Larry Polansky The Best American Poetry You’ll Never Read
Tamas Panitz poetry is (Speaking Portraits), Volume II, by George Quasha
Kurt Gottschalk /Urania Mylonas Angel of the Mourning: Diamond Galas
George Quasha Uncertainties
Christian Asplund Mysterious and Therefore Useful: Composer Indeterminacy and Christian Wolf
Mark So wulf notes
George Quasha Uncertainties
Christian Asplund Mysterious and Therefore Useful: Composer Indeterminacy and Christian Wolf
Mark So wulf notes
J. Farley-Upjohn Extasis cum sensore
Alana Siegel Legs (Meredith Monk’s On Behalf of Nature)
Philip Corner Mussorgsky out of Boris Godounov
Kyle Gann “Eventfulness is Really Boring”: Robert Ashley as Minimalist*
Thomas Buckner Memories of Bob*
Kara Feely/Travis Just Remembering Robert Ashley*
Rob Haskins Ashley: A Remembrance*
Kevin Holm-Hudson Remembering Robert Ashley*
Eric Watier “The easier it is, the more beautiful it is” (2)
Tamas Panitz There Where You Do Not Think To Be Thinking
Tom Johnson My Friend Robert Ashley*
Pauline Oliveros Remembering Robert Ashley*
Aaron Siegel Personal Lives — In the Home of Robert Ashley*
John Robison Indonesian Influences in the Music of Elaine Barkin
Paula Mathusen Recombinant Strategies: Orchestral Music of Elliot Sharp
Marc Sabat The String Quartets of Christian Wolff
Michael Pisaro C. Wolff (for piano)
Larry Polansky six string, ten fingers and the heterophonic ideal: Christian Wolff’s Recent Guitar Music
Larry Polansky There Scores for Christian Wolff
Lucie Vitkova Learning to Change with Christian Wolff’s Music
Fred Mauss Berlin Postcards
Joan Arnau Pámies Composition in the 21st Century: The Need for Critical Insertion
Pedro Rivadeneira An excerpt of dr. saturnian’s monologue
Walter Branchi Passive and Active Environmental Sounds
Benjamin Boretz Dialogue for JKR
Beth Randall JKR After Life
Jim Randall : A Memorial Blog by his family, friends, and colleagues
Elaine R. Barkin Randall, James K(irtland)
Eric Watier “The easier it is, the more beautiful it is” (3)
*texts in memory of Robert Ashley (1930-2014)