Issue 4 fall 2002
Donald Martino Letter to the Editor
Benjamin Boretz, Charles Stein, Martin Brody, Robert Paredes A Provocation and Three Responses
Martin Scherzinger Rethinking Music as/in Musical Rethinking
Katharine Norman Stepping Outside for a Moment: narrative space in two works for sound alone
Barbara White Review: Audible Traces: Gender, Identity, and Music
Mary Lee Roberts Review: ‘Essential Cowell’ edited by Dick Higgins
John McGinness Rehearing Ives
Kyle Gann The Case Against Over-Notation
Mark Nelson Guinnevere
Tildy Bayar The Contemporary State of Contemporary Music in the San Francisco Bay Area
Elaine Barkin …at times as if…
Scott Burnham A Review of John Rahn’s ‘Music Inside Out’
Scott Gleason John Rahn’s ‘Music Inside Out’: A View
Benjamin Boretz Prologue / {‘Whose Time, What Space’) /Prologue / little reviews
Elaine Barkin Interactive Music Making: A Commentary
Newton Armstrong Two By Four Tangents to a Text by Chris Mann
Robert Morris Musical Form, Expectation, Attention and Quality
Mary Lee Roberts Robert Morris’s ‘Playing Outside’
Scott Gleason Musical Intuitions and the Functions of Music Theories
Charles Stein “as if analogy were so” (Gerrit Lansing)
Renée Coulombe Does Pauline Exist?
Christopher Delaurenti “I Am the Messiah”
George Quasha The Preverbs of Tell: News Torqued from Undertime
Alison Knowles and Joshua Selman Mother Tongue